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Ctrl+Paint - Digital Realism Starter Kit (ENG)


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Новые курсы от CTRL+paint по цифровому рисованию - digital realism starter kit

Описание с сайта ctrlpaint:

Once you’re comfortable with the basics of digital painting, adding detail is the next step. In this pursuit, photographic elements are a powerful tool - but they’re not a magic bullet.  One hallmark of beginner work is the sloppy use of photo-detail, carelessly stacked on top of brush strokes.  This collection takes a different approach.  By breaking the challenge down into distinct tools, I demonstrate a methodical approach for layering detail into your paintings.  Starting slow, with exercises and drills, these videos aim to de-mystify the process of digital surface detail.  

If you want to add detail to your digital paintings, but don’t know where to start, these videos provide a manageable path.  Get ready to practice!

Runtime: 376 Minutes

Список курсов в архиве:

* Layering

* edge control

* texture overlays

* photo details

* precision

* full demo






Категория: КУРСЫ | Добавил: Admin (24.11.2017)
Просмотров: 2201
Ключевые слова (теги): реализм, рисование, текстуры, ctrl paint

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